Galentine's Day. The day you celebrate all things gal pal. We don't need much encouragement to declare our undying love for our bestie, but we thought we'd make it clear in 10 easy steps, why your BFF is definitely better that your BF (*please insert where applicable*; girlfriend, partner, husband, wife, life partner etc - yup they beat them all!).
One - They stand by you no matter what! BFs come and go, but your BFF is there with you, keeping you up and getting you over the hard times!
Two - They get your weird crushes. Try discussing your love for Philip Schofield with anyone else and you may be judged...

Three - They are super supportive on your Instagram. Who likes your selfie within 1 second of posting? They do!
Four - They love you for who you are! No changing or hiding things, they know you inside out and still think you're amazing!
Five - You have the best in-jokes. Being BFFs leads for some pretty epic adventures, weird situations and inevitably hilarious stories.

Six - They're nice to you without wanting to get into your pants. Yup we said it. With a romantic interest (how sophisticated!) there's always a chance they are just being nice for...erm *other reasons*. With your bestie, they just bloomin' like you!
Seven - You can share them endless screen shots of convos, outfit pics and boy troubles and they will always stay interested!
Eight - You never have to break up! You may argue and fall out but you never have to make anything final, unlike a BF! You'll find a solution in the end (probs over numerous cosmos and pizzas!).
Nine - You don't have to explain anything to them. They know the ins and outs of your life. You don't have to explain, or go into detail; don't want to talk, no worries!
Ten - You don't need to impress their family! Yup, no pressure of meeting the rents, you're practically part of the family already!

What's the best thing about your Bestie?? Love Team ROR x