The Boss Gal diaries; our new behind the scenes look at how fellow Boss Gal's (woop woop) have made it in their chosen field. Whether it’s a superstar DJ, small business owner or an influencer who is building their brand; we’ve got in touch with some of our fave inspiring ladies, to see what makes them tick, what inspires them and some advice on how to be your own girl boss!
First up: Bec Watkinson; a girl boss, interior designer and super star influencer. This fellow northerner is not just brains and beauty, she also holds down a full-time job as an interior designer, along with building her following on Instagram at the same time - talk about mulit-tasking. Her unique, sassy style is only topped by her sense of humour and hilarious Insta stories- she cracks us up with the highs and lows about living with the parents (we’ve all been there) and her daily musings.
This beauty is definitely someone to watch, and we’re pretty proud that she’s building her empire here in Manchester. We caught up with Bec, to see what started her passion for fashion and interiors, and to see what she has planned for the future!
How did you get into interior designing, had you always been passionate about it?
I remember this like it was yesterday, I was in a rut because everyone had decided what they wanted to study in uni and where they wanted to go. I still hadn't filled out the nightmare form that is UCAS. I was sat with my Auntie and she said you know what, you would do so well as an interior designer. To be honest I hadn’t even considered it so kind of brushed it off. Anyway, a year goes by and I was stuck in a related job thinking this isn’t what I want, so applied to study interior design.
Fast forward a few years and I came out with a 2:1 (2 marks of a 1st can I just say, laughing but crying inside) and a job in an industry I love. I have always been a creative person, academically I’m rubbish, but I think when you find something you love so much and throw your all into it, you won't fail.
You're super stylish, did you ever want to go into the fashion industry?
Oh of course! Me and my best friend always talked about how we wanted to be fashion designers and create our own brand. I would love to work in the fashion industry but it would have to be a role where I could really take ownership. If I’m not creating something I’ll lose interest. It’s a real struggle haha!

What's the best and worst thing about social media?
BEST - I would say the best thing is being able to reach so many people from your phone. It’s actually amazing, it allows me to create content I love and share it with everyone. I also love being able to see what other people are doing to creative. I love being inspired.
WORST - Again, being able to reach so many people. It can be overwhelming, especially when you have anxiety. You’re essentially putting yourself out there on a platform where people will criticise you. But there is nothing you can do about it, on the plus side it makes you tougher. I will not put up with shit online. It’s not worth my time or energy.
Where do you think you'll be in 5 years?
I would absolutely love to be my own boss. I know, typical millennial answer. Ideally I would love to leave work to take on influencing full time and hopefully have the opportunity to work with creating my own capsule collection with a brand. Or even creating my own brand that really would be the dream! But who knows ey?!
Quick Fire Questions:
Night In or Night Out -
Night In
RnB or Pop -
Manchester or London -
Oh Manchester! It’s my home town and it’s the best place in the world :)
Gym or Lie In -
This isn’t even a question... Lie in! haha!
Netflix or Spotify -
Netflix for me!
You can Follow Bec on her Instagram here!