Last week was pretty special for us. We headed down to London for the launch of the new Dress For Success Boutique, an incredible charity that helps venerable women get into work. The charity provides clothes and tips for interviews, help with skills and techniques and generally just supports the women who need it most. It has a big celebrity endorsement, with successful woman such as Eva Longoria and Bobbi Brown being big supporters. We're all about women supporting women at ROR, feminism and equality for all is our main goal, so when we were asked to be part of this fantastic cause, we jumped at the chance!
We've worked with Dom & Ink, using some fabulous inspirational quotes from some powerful women, including Lydia Bright and Natalie from Style Me Sunday to create some sassy slogan tote bags! The tote bags are just £16 and are available NOW on our site with 20% of sales going directly to Dress For Success. We couldn't be prouder, and wanted to show you what we got up to at the launch and our cheeky trip to our fave Girl Boss store; Spectrum!

If you follow us on Instagram, you'll know we're pretty big Spectrum fans. We love the girls and have been buying their brushes since way back when they started out. We have LOVED seeing their success and they are big inspirations to us, we've worked with them in the past and are just amazed (but not surprised) by their world wide domination! They also happen to be instagram GOALs and their store on Carnaby Street is no acceptation. For starters the have a cafe which serves iridescent cakes on gold shell plates - I mean, we just can't. And just look at those green marble tables! We wanted to steal them and bring them back to ROR HQ, if only they would have fit on the train...

We couldn't go to London without seeing our babe Dom & Ink. So we invited him along to the pink palace to combine our two faves; a sassy illustrator and bright pink decor. I mean, that pink velvet couch and neon sign...let's just say we have WEEKS of IG content (thanks ladies!). We then headed to another dream destination...Sketch London! As you can see from the picture, Dom was loving his afternoon tea!
We then headed down to the main event. What an evening! We felt overwhelmed with pride, to see powerful, influential women supporting each other - what every occasion should be like! Our inspirational tote bags were pride of place for all to see, and we had some amazing feed back. The boutique itself will be there to hold workshops, fundraising events and as a safe space where woman can discuss and take control of their future. You can find out more about the wonderful charity here!
Click here to support a wonderful charity, and help save the planet at the same time with our sassy slogan tote bags!