As soon as the sun starts shining our streets are suddenly filled with an array of joggers and budding athletes. And this year is no different.... Whether it be for personal gain (hello beach body) or for selfless reasons (A charity run) now's the time to get out there! We've already seen the London Marathon and the Bupa Great Manchester Run take place in the last month alone. Last year Team GNO ran this with great results and this year we caught up with some past runners to see how they got on!
You may remember the beautiful Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Costume that we blogged about last year on our post: Who Ran The Manchester 10K well, it turns out that that Bride was not a bride at all... but media manager from Cheshire, Stuart Howarth dressed up in drag!Stuarts Story
Last year my dad was diagnosed with #Amyloidosis -a build up of amyloid proteins produced by the body that clog up any organ (it was my dad's heart). He got diagnosed very early thanks to an amazing doctor & had 28 weeks of chemo He is recovering, but he is lucky. Most people fare worse, so I am raising money for research at UCL National Amyloid centre: To raise this money, I took part in the BUPA Great Manchester 10k run on the 26th May 2013. As last year, in a shameless attempt to raise more money I did it in fancy dress, going with the most popular outfit suggested by anyone who sponsors me - the most popular suggestion was St Trinians
- All donations to the UCL Amyloidosis Research Fund are GREATLY appreciated and THANK YOU so much to you all for the support.
Thanks again!! Stuart
After last years outstanding fancy dress effprt, we kept in contact with Stuart to see what this year would have in store. When he contacted us for advice on how "preserve his modesty" in such a short dress, we didn't hesitate to recommend one of our lacey petticoats - doesn't it look fab! So here he is, in all his School Girl fancy dress finery.... Stuart "St. Trinians" Howarth:
If you feel inspred to enter into a charity run this year and raise money for a good cause, then do it!! You don't have to sprint your way around the course, wearing facny dress is a great excure to be able to take things slowy! There are plently of events throughout the UK, here are just a few:
Race For Life (UK) - in June and July. Tough Mudder (UK) - August, September, October Great North Run (Newcastle) - 15th September Run To The Beat (London) - 8th September Royal Park Half Marathon (London) - 6th October Hell Runner (North) - November
Love, The Girly Night Scout XOXO
"Always on the hunt for your girly night out essentials"