MERMAZING NEWS: 2016 will be the Year of the Unicorns & Mermaids (they kinda come as a package) - Time to unleash the inner younger girls in us who once believed in all things MAGICAL!
FINALLY we can check off our To Do List:Here at ROR we have launched a range of makeup bags (this totez goes hand in hand with the girly/magical theme) which are hand printed with Unicorn & Mermaid slogans and phrases. The words are printed in our *new* PASTEL colours.
Wait.. there’s MORE: I strongly advise the serious unicorn & mermaid believers out there to check out our ‘Unicorn & Fairytale Tees’ Collection, we’re talkin’ seashell boobs, unicorn illustrations and magical slogans!
So lets poop rainbows, wear seashell bras everyday and embrace your magical inner self with Rock On Ruby!
Love, Team ROR xx