Lake District
Who doesn't love some good, fresh, countryside air?! The lakes are a great place for hiking, biking, canoeing and everything else adventure filled. Paddle boarding is a perfect activity to do at the lakes, with many companies offering introductory courses across the district. Or, if that's not your style, you could rent a cosy cabin with a hot tub and have a chilled weekend away - filled with pub lunches and movie nights of course.

Images via @monkeys_climb_mountains and @ned_and_teds_adventures
I'm definitely not being biased, Snownodia has a bit of everything for everyone and in my opinion is perfect. Okay I might be biased. I've lived in north wales all my life... Anyway, If you're planning on travelling over this way there's plenty to do and see. Obviously, (as the name suggests) you could take a hike up Snowdon - tallest mountain in Wales, something to tick off your list. But, If you're like me, and hiking isn't your fave thing in the world, there's loads of cute, picturesque villages to visit as well. The village, Beddgelert, comes with a great story! Snowdonia is also home to ZipWorld. You might know it for the fastest zip line in the world - but they also have underground cave trampolines, a forest coaster (which I 10/10 recommend), tree top courses and more. Then, you could travel further down to the Llyn Peninsular for some of the best beaches!

images via @eilir30
I think Cornwall must be the closest you will get to feeling like you're abroad while still being in the UK. White sand beaches? Yes please. Pasties? Hell yeah. Fudge?! How could we say no? Cornwall is also home to the Eden Project. It's basically like a giant greenhouse and huge gardens. But obviously, better than how I just described it! They also do a ton of research and projects on sustainability and helping the environment for the future - so it's right up our alley! You do have to book in advance at the moment though because of corona!

images via @bay.hill.cottage and @nomadic.sam
When else are you going to walk over an extinct volcano? Arthur's seat is just that, and can be seen from the city centre. It's a decent walk, but gives great views of the city. Then afterwards you could go for a good old fashioned whiskey tasting - you are in Scotland after all. The Scotch Whiskey Experience has now reopened and are taking bookings again! A walk along the cobblestone roads of The Old Town would also be a must. If you're into Harry Potter you can see where JK Rowling got her Inspiration!

images via @exploringedinburgh on instagram - whose account is just very relaxing to look at
So you don't need to feel down about not going away this year - you still can! Having said this, these places we go on holiday are homes to others - if I see one more article about the amount of litter left on beaches I think I'll cry. Stay mindful! Stay safe! Enjoy yourself!
Where will you be heading?
Bethan ROR xx