Laura has long been one of our fave bloggers due to her fab photos and ability to rock double denim... We caught up with Laura for a recent photoshoot where she styled up a custom made Rock On Ruby Tee. "Too Glam To Give A Damn"
Q1. Tell us about you!
I'm a Law student at the University of Manchester - in my final year. This year I joined the Uni's Blog society and really got into blogging...
Q2. What made you start blogging?
Maily because I had too many clothes! I was always doing photos for instagram so it made sense to move into blogging. My course helps as I write a lot for that anyway and a lot of the skills I picked up on my course, I can apply to my blog.
Q3. What motivates you to keep blogging?
I love playing around with fashion and creating different looks! I love ot see what trends are coming up next... Also, the followers of my blog always leave comments which really help me to keep going!
Q4. Who are your fave bloggers?
Hannah Louise Fashion: She adopts trends really well. Megan Ellaby (Pages by Megan): So retro and stylish! Cara Hitchener: Another Manchester blogger! I've been following her on instagram for ages!
Q5. Any Tips for New Bloggers?
Be regular in generating content, then SPELLCHECK!! Good photography is reeeeally important, so a good camera would help.
Q6. What are your top fashion picks for Spring Summer?
DENIM!! Denim everything! (Just see my blog for more on this!) I have a denim pinafore, skirt and flared jeans... All key pieces that I know I'll be wearing a lot!
Q7. What made you pick the slogan on your ROR Tee?
I can really relate to this slogan as it reminds me of when I started my blog... A few people didn't really understand why I was doing it and thought I was a bit "big-headed" for posting pictures of myself. But really, as long as you have confidence in yourself, you don't need the approval of others. My blgo is something that I was doing for me!
We LOVE Laura's look, you can get the Too Glam Tee online now!
You can also create your own slogan top online in our create your own Tee section.. Get inspired by your fave Bloggers and Rock Your Tee!
Love ROR