It's safe to say we're pretty excited about this year's Manchester Pride. Not just because it's fabulous, fun and THE best Pride festival in the world (obvs) - but also because, this year, we've teamed up with our fave illustrator, our one and only; Dom and Ink. Who better to design our perfect pride pieces, than Mr Manchester himself (well that's what we call him!) and boy has he outdone himself.
We always love Dom's cheeky, imaginative and frankly the sassiest designs around, but his latest collection goes above and beyond. Pride is not just about having a massive party (ok, so a tiny bit) - but it's main purpose is to celebrate love, equality and to raise awareness of charities and organisations that can help the LGBT community. We've always had an amazing gay scene up here in Manchester, and there is no better place to party than Canal Street. But it's important that we take the time to promote the serious message behind Pride; to be proud! Straight, gay, bi, transgender; we're all human and we are all equal.
This year, we've also teamed up with the official Pride charity, who raise money and awareness for several Manchester based organisations and we're giving 20% of profits from our 'Manchester Bee Tee' straight to the well deserving charity.
So what are you waiting for?! Whether you want to death drop your way around town, or keep it simple with our 'Proud AF' sweaters and tees - we have everything you need to stay PROUD!
Shop the collection here!